Bienvenue to Grade 4! The Grade 4 team consists of Mme Guylaine McTague (Room 21), Mme Emily Cheung (Room 20), and M. Daniel McKenna (Room 12). We are anticipating a great year full of learning experiences.  This letter outlines classroom routines and expectations.

School Hours:  Your cooperation in ensuring that your child arrives at school punctually is greatly appreciated.  Classes start at 8:00 a.m. (with supervision starting at 7:45 a.m.) and finish at 2:30 p.m. Grade 4 students will have recess at 9:35 a.m. to 9:48 a.m. and eat lunch in the classroom at 11:25a.m..

NEW THIS YEAR: Blogger posts will be used to communicate daily agenda messages, homework, updates and reminders. Your child is responsible to check his/her account daily, including on days when your child is absent from school. Your teacher’s Blogger website is: 
Your child will receive a plastic envelope for assignments, forms and notes between home and school. Your child is required to show you this envelope daily and to show the teacher if there are any notes, forms or assignments. 

Name labels:  Please ensure that your child’s name and room number is in his/her lunch kit, backpack and outdoor clothing.

School supplies: Pencils and erasers are supplied as needed.  Paper, rulers, sharpeners, pencil crayons and markers are available in the classroom.  Binders will not be needed, as notebooks and folders will be supplied. The use of a water bottle is allowed in class, however, no juice please.

Indoor shoes and socks:  Please provide your child with indoor running shoes, appropriate for physical education, which will be left at school at all times.  An extra pair of socks in a plastic bag at the bottom of the backpack is handy in case of wet feet.

As students enter Division 2, considerable emphasis is placed on helping them become more personally responsible for their learning, organize their materials and work, and use their time effectively. To achieve these goals, it is important for parents to help their child develop good study routines and skills.

Home Reading Program: Regular reading in French and English will help your child learn new vocabulary and further develop comprehension, fluency and pronunciation. Students are required to read 15 minutes a day, at least 4 times per week. We expect grade 4 students to read MOSTLY in French.  In addition to reading silently on his or her own, your child will benefit from reading aloud to you. Please discuss what your child has read, ask questions, and switch roles (reader, listener).

Math: Regular review of basic facts is useful.  On occasion, other math homework will be assigned as well. A list of websites will be posted on Blogger.

Learning Commons:  This year your child may sign out 2 French books and 1 English book.  A plastic bag should be kept in the backpack to protect books.

Music: Music classes will be on days 3 and 5 for 40 minutes each.

Parent Volunteers:  Parent volunteers will be needed for general help with classroom projects and for field trips. Please ensure that you have completed an up-to-date Calgary Police Security Clearance and Calgary Board of Education volunteer documents.

We are looking forward to a new school year with your children.  We thank you for your cooperation and your support of your child’s learning.


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