Le mercredi 11 mars 2020 | Wednesday, March 11th 2020
- 10 à 15 minutes de lecture
- Math Word Problems due this Wednesday. French reflection next week. 
- N'oublie pas le dossier orange, ta bouteille d'eau, ta flute à bec, et verifier Blogger chaque soir
- Please practice your addition and subtraction facts 1-20
- Please ask your parents/guardians about the origin of your name

Student Blog Post:
This morning, we had a presentation from Green Calgary. They spoke to us about our upcoming waste and recycling unit in Science. Students learned about composting and the importance of worms to our environment. 

After recess, we worked on our math test and then students had dance with Ajay. 

This afternoon, we had a lesson in English Language Arts. Students recorded videos for IRIS and then we created a list of questions for tomorrow's Grade 4 activity called Fast Facts. Finally, we had music with Mme. Edgett. 

Discussion led by: Z.W. 


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