- 15 à 20 minutes de lecture
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bibliothèque et de verifier Blogger chaque soir.
- Commande de Scholastic à remettre le jeudi 19 septembre 2019. Please order online or by cheque, please.
- Meet The Teacher Invitation - Please sign up for a time on Thursday, September 19th or Friday, September 20th. 

Student Blog Post:
This morning, we worked on our morning routine and then we had French Language Arts. We organized some important information in our duo-tangs (sounds, goals and editing tools)

After recess, we had mathematics. We had a lesson on patterns and then we worked on our Daily 3 centres. The three centres are math by myself, math with a partner and math writing. Then, we had physical education until lunch time. 

This afternoon, we went to the computer lab to work on logging in, accessing Google Docs and discussing our homework expectations for this year. Students worked on a document and sent it to M. McKenna. Students will be encouraged to send their homework at home if they have access to a computer. After, we had a social studies lesson on geography. We worked on our geography of Canada. 


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