- 15 à 20 minutes de lecture.
- N'oublie pas le dossier orange, ta bouteille d'eau, tes livres de la 
bibliothèque et de verifier Blogger chaque soir.
- Commande de Scholastic à remettre le vendredi 20 septembre 2019. Please order online or by cheque, please.
- Student Demographic Verification Forms will be handed out on Monday.

Student Blog Post:
- This morning, we had our morning routine and we reviewed the Daily 5 centres. We had a quick lesson on complex sounds and we discussed our visual arts project. 

- After recess, we had a lesson in art looking at plants and patterning. Students were asked to think of examples where we see different types of math patterns and art in real life. An example that we looked at today was with quilts. Students worked on a rough copy and then a good copy for their projects. Afterwards, we cleaned up and then we did blogger as a class. Finally, we had a community circle where we shared our apple, orange and onion of the week. 


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