- 15 à 20 minutes de lecture.
- N'oublie pas le dossier orange, ta bouteille d'eau, tes livres de la 
bibliothèque et de verifier Blogger chaque soir.
- Commande de Scholastic à remettre le jeudi 19 septembre 2019. Please order online or by cheque, please.
- Student Demographic Verification Forms will be handed out on Monday.
- Meet The Teacher Invitation - Please sign up for a time on Thursday, September 19th or Friday, September 20th. 

Student Blog Post:
This morning, we read in French and then we had our morning routine. Then, we worked on our learning goals for the year. We had a lesson on the proper vocabulary to use and we reviewed them for Meet the Teacher. 

After recess, we had physical education outside with M. Trevor. We learned about different strategies to run around the field in preparation for the Terry Fox run. Then, in mathematics we had lesson on patterns. Students worked in groups to determine the rule for a few different patterns. Then, they were asked to create their own pattern using numbers and an equation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) 

This afternoon, we had Health, where we discussed the virtue of the month. In groups we talked about tips to show politeness. Then we had English Language Arts, and then a Terry Fox response to a music video. Finally, we began our Social Studies unit on Geography. We hopped on a plane and traveled across Canada. We had a quick lesson on geography. Students in groups were asked to name as many provinces and capital cities as possible.


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