- 10 à 15 minutes de lecture.
- N'oublie pas le dossier orange, ta bouteille d'eau, tes livres de la 
bibliothèque et de verifier Blogger chaque soir.
- Homework - English reflection due Wednesday. Students can send homework by paper or via Gmail. 
Commande de Scholastic - à remettre le vendredi 18 octobre 2019. Flyers will go home tomorrow. 

Student Blog Post:
This morning, we started with science. In science, we discussed the steps of plant growth as a class. Then, students worked with a partner to discuss them in greater detail. Finally, we drew the steps on our sheets of the plant cycle. We also began a social studies lesson on geography.

After recess, we had visual arts where we worked on tree art and examining perspective. Then, we worked on a pumpkin art piece and discussed student portfolios. Finally, we ate snack and cleaned up the classroom. 


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