- Homework - English reflection due Wednesday. Students can send homework by paper or via Gmail. 
- Commande de Scholastic - à remettre le vendredi 18 octobre 2019. Flyers will go home tomorrow.
- VAS Picture Day is this Thursday, October 10th 2019

Student Blog Post:
This morning, we did our morning routine. We had a lesson on sight words. Then, we worked on our sight word games in groups. We reviewed the expectations for the project. 

After recess, we worked on our model book report in class. We had a lesson on the elements of a story and how to write a book report. Students finished the book and began writing the elements of the story. Then, we had physical education with M. Trevor in the gymnasium. 

This afternoon, we had a lesson in English Language Arts in complex sounds and sight words. Students worked on their reflections and worked on their sight words. Then, in Science we worked on an experiment by planting our own plants in groups. We planted the seeds in the soil and added water. Finally, we read "Wonder" out loud and reviewed expectations for note taking during the read aloud. 

Discussion led by M.V.


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