- Homework - English reflection due Wednesday. Students can send homework by paper or via Gmail. 
- Commande de Scholastic - à remettre le vendredi 18 octobre 2019. Flyers will go home tomorrow.
- VAS Picture Day is tomorrow, Thursday, October 10th 2019

Student Blog Post:
(Group 1) This morning, this morning we did our morning routine. Then, students worked on their sight word games in groups. Students are finishing up their plans (explication, material and rules) and are beginning to create their material. Then, students were divided up into their Daily 5 centre groups for our Literacy program. 

(Group 2) After recess, we reviewed the elements of a story. Students began to write their response in a graphic organizer for their own book report books that are due in November.  Then we had library period.

(Group 3) This afternoon, we had a lesson in Social Studies where we looked at the Alberta Flag, Crest and other important symbols. Students continued to work on their visual representations of each of these symbols. After we had music period. When we returned to class students continued to catch up. Finally, we cleaned up and completed Blogger. 

Discussion led by S.S.


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