Le vendredi 29 novembre 2019 | Friday, November 29th 2019
- 10 à 15 minutes de lecture.
- N'oublie pas le dossier orange, ta bouteille d'eau, ta flute à bec, tes livres de la 
bibliothèque et de verifier Blogger chaque soir.
- Commande de Scholastic - à remettre le vendredi 6 décembre 2019.
- COP Ski & Snowboarding Field Trip Forms.
- Une reflexion en  Français - à remettre mercredi
- Please ask your parents/guardians how they use area or perimeter in their lives.

Student Blog Post:
This morning, we set up and presented our book reports to parents, guardians and students in the gymnasium. Students had an opportunity to share their book reports with a total of 7 classes. 

After recess, we counted all of the votes for our graphing unit with the other Grade 4 classes. We asked ourselves important questions about the data that we collected through the vote. The winner of the tally was the colour blue, which was the genre fantasy. Finally, we had a lesson on capital letters with our continued focus on French Grammar throughout the year. We worked on a grammar activity in groups to find the errors in the texts. 

I would like to congratulate ALL students from Room 12 for a job well done at the Book Fair today! I was very proud of all of the hard work students have put in to their reports over the last 8 weeks. Bravo, mes amis!

Discussion led by: Room 12


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