Le jeudi 23 janvier 2020 | Thursday, January 23rd 2020
- Une reflexion en Anglais - à remettre mercredi
- N'oublie pas le dossier orange, ta bouteille d'eau, ta flute à bec, et verifier Blogger chaque soir.
- VAS Yearbook Sales start Monday, January 20th - Please order your copy ($15.00) on your PowerSchool account by January 31st 2020. 
- Students are encouraged to practice their presentations for their Social Studies Research Project at home. Students can edit and practice their presentations using their Google Accounts. Presentations started today.
- Pyjama Day tomorrow - Students are encouraged to come in their pyjamas if they wish

Student Blog Post:
This morning, we did our daily routine and we practiced our Social Studies research projects. 

After recess, we began our research project presentations. Two students presented this morning. Then, we had physical education with M. Trevor in the gymnasium. 

This afternoon, we had a lesson in English Language Arts, Health and Mathematics. We had two more presentations. Then, students cleaned up and completed our Blogger post. Finally, we had music with Mme. Edgett. 

Discussion led by:


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