Le mardi 14 janvier 2020 | Tuesday, January 14th 2020
- 10 à 15 minutes de lecture.
- Une reflexion en Français - à remettre mercredi
- N'oublie pas le dossier orange, ta bouteille d'eau, ta flute à bec, et verifier Blogger chaque soir.
- Commande de Scholastic - à remettre le vendredi 17 janvier 2020.

Student Blog Post:
This morning, we did our daily routine and we worked on our Citizenship, Character and Personal Development skits. Then, we worked on our French reflection for the month of January.  

After recess, students worked on their Social Studies research project. Then, they had physical education with M. Trevor where we continued to learn about gymnastics.

This afternoon, we had a lesson in Science on friction and worked on centres. Students cleaned up and we completed our Blogger post. Finally, we had music with Mme. Edgett. 

Discussion led by: J.R.


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