Le mardi 18 février 2020 | Tuesday, February 18th 2020
- 10 à 15 minutes de lecture
- Les résolutions de problemes - à remettre mercredi - Our next week's homework will be a French reflection
- N'oublie pas le dossier orange, ta bouteille d'eau, ta flute à bec, et verifier Blogger chaque soir
- Ask your parents how they use addition and subtraction in their lives
- Bring in recyclables for our Science Simple Machines projects

Student Blog Post:
This morning, we did our daily routine and had a grammar lesson in French Language Arts. Then, students worked on our Valentine picotee novel study. 

After recess, we had physical education with M. Trevor. Then, in mathematics we began our  lesson in mathematics where we began our addition and subtraction unit. Students finished up their number sense flip books and shared their results with a partner. 

This afternoon, we had a lesson in Health. Then we worked on our Visual Arts project. Afterwards, we had a lesson in Science. Students began brainstorming for their Rube Goldberg projects. Students are encouraged to bring in any recyclable material from home that they wish to use for their projects. Finally, we finished up our Judy Blume graphic organizers. Finally, we cleaned up and worked in groups to complete our blogger post. 

Discussion led by: E.U.


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